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New to the Course

The Portfolio assignment is the newest addition to the curriculum.  A final reflection paper has been a component of earlier versions of the course, but something was lacking.  Including a review of most of their previous work is a way to provide grist for their Review Paper discussion, as well as offer a long-view over the period of the semester. 

New to this site

The review quizzes.

I've decided that I will post them here as we progress through the course, after we take them.  At the end I'll take them off and repeat the process the next semester.  It also allows me to use the website to administer the quiz in class.


Extra Credit Assignment


Point value: 50

Due date: _________


Topic:  Jack Gibb’s categories of defensive and supportive behaviors


What are they?

6 types of defense-arousing communication and 6 contrasting behaviors “that seem to reduce the level of threat and defensiveness by conveying face-honoring relational messages of respect” (Adler and Towne, p. 380, 10th ed.).


1.  Evaluation-Description

2.  Control-Problem Orientation

3.  Strategy-Spontaneity

4.  Neutrality-Empathy

5.  Superiority-Equality

6.  Certainty-Provisionalism


Using any two categories of your choice,


  1. Be able to explain the two contrasting communication behaviors (in one of the categories) to another person.  Make sure you are competent enough with the information to make this explanation clear and concise.  Be ready to offer some examples to them as a way to illustrate the category.
  2. Find at least four other people whom you can interview, instruct and gather examples.  There must be four different people for this assignment.
  3. Do the following with each interviewee:


    1. Explain that you are looking for people who can provide an example of interaction in one of the two Jack Gibb areas you have chosen. 
    2. Assure them that any names will be changed for purposes of the assignment, and none of the content will be used beyond the purposes of the class assignment.
    3. Explain the area/category to them (one of the two Gibb areas you chose).
    4. Record their narrative in as much detail as possible, changing the names in the text.


  1. Afterward, write up the results in a typed, single-spaced 1-2 page report.  Arrange the four examples in pairs, according to the two selected categories (i.e, two interview samples for the Evaluation-Description category, and two samples for the Superiority-Equality category).
  2. Some reminders:  Be sure your name and assignment title are visible on the top of the front page.  And for the paper-clippers: no staple means no credit.